Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pulling Seaweed

It's been WAY too long since I touched this blog.  All I can say is that it's just me at my very best WORST! *cringe*  I do this a lot.  It's almost like I convince myself that too much time has passed for me to try and pick it up again.  But I am not going to let myself flake again.  I'm holding myself accountable.

So my (now) 3 year old daughter and I were out in the garden yesterday tending to the weeds and she asked what we were doing.  I told her that we were pulling weeds so that the vegetables could grow.  She thought this was brilliant and wanted to help.  She said, "Mommy, I help you pull seaweeds!"  It was so cute I just about fell over with laughter.  These are the little things that remind me that I need to continue blogging.  The quirky little things that she did a few months ago are already lost to me.  I never thought I'd forget them, but now when I try and remember, I come up blank.  

So here I am again, trying to start up again.  Here are a few photos from yesterday's garden tending.

The beautiful fuschias.

This angle of the pumpkin plants remind me of 
Honey I Shrunk The Kids.

I thought I gave the pumpkins enough space but it looks as though these beets might be choked out.

Another view of our doomed beets.

We've been having moving sales to try and prepare for the upcoming sale.  It's by the grace of God that we are still living in this house.  He is so good and knows us better than we can even begin to imagine.  My entire family is moving forward in amazing ways and God has timed it just so.  

My brother graduated from high school, which opens up space at my Dad's house if we need a temporary place to dwell.  My sister and my brother- in- law just upgraded to a 3 bedroom so that my Mom has a place to live.  My husband, Patrick, is doing great at his new job and we now have the option of utilizing his VA loan to buy a sweet little place.  I am humbled by His grace and mercy.  

He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever.
     ~Psalm 136:23

All the heartbreak and questions as to why my Mom had to lose her home will someday be answered.  As for now, we must be obedient and trust that it is all in His plan and that we will all be stronger and better for having gone through this ordeal.  

My life verse is:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
    and He will make your paths straight.

I really feel like I must cling to this right now.  I have been since we moved to California and were unable to get jobs.  I was touched by it when we were blessed with over 9 months worth of diapers at our baby shower in the midst of fearing for how we would diaper her.  I held on with a tight grip when our daughter was born and we still didn't have a source of income.  I cried over it when I sat at our women's bible study and told them that I was being offered a position at my old job (when all I wanted to do was stay home and raise my baby).  I rejoiced over it when I was promoted after 3 short months.  I pondered it when I made the decision to demote myself to another location.  I  felt overwhelmingly blessed by it when my husband told me that we'd be able to use his VA loan to buy our own house.

Life's obstacles are very much like weeds.  We see them as ugly, menacing plants but sometimes, upon closer inspection, they're quite lovely.  

My daughter picks these for me all the time. 
 Up close, they're stunning!

Designers are constantly replicating the beauty of this dandelion.  A menace in most of our yards.

Even these sweet little weeds I eventually 
pulled out of my own backyard.

The thing is, we think they're "seaweeds" but God sees every little moment in our lives, be it good or bad, as special.  Our first instinct is to try and rid our lives of these difficult moments, but God views them as growth.  When we take the time to see the silver lining, it's all we can do but to fall on our faces and worship Him in all of His glory.

Besides, if we weren't losing the house, we might not have had this moment.

Two beautiful ballerinas dressing up in our old dance costumes that were pulled out of storage during the yard sale.  They spent hours prancing around in these tutus!  Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. :-) This is beautiful Sachi. Brings a tear to my eye. God is good, and that is one of my most favorite scriptures as well!!!
